• Guests within walking distance will find directions to the hotel by tapping the icon with smartphones or tablets.

Stay Safe & Get Through COVID-19 Together!

To protect our staff and guests against COVID-19, we have followed the instructions below:

①All staff members measure body temperatures before work every day. (not working if a body temperature is 37.5 °C or higher.)

②All staff members wear face masks and wash hands with soap or alcohol-based hand sanitizer frequently.

③Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizers are available at the front desk and lobby.

④Sneeze Guards are set up at front desk.

⑤Clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces in hotel public spaces (Elevator buttons, front desk, doorknobs, etc. ★Key Cards will be cleaned with disinfectant every day.)

⑥Digital Thermometer is available to borrow (sanitized between uses.)

⑦Humidifiers are also available to borrow (in a limited number.)

⑧Ventilate lobby adequately every day.

If anyone feels unwell or suffer symptoms, please wear face mask and contact any associates for further assistance.

Let’s stay safe, healthy and win the battles together!

Alcohol for disinfection is always available at the front desk and in front of the elevator. We appreciate your cooperation in disinfection.


Check in
Number of guests
Number of rooms